how small size works
The yearly general Assembly is a moment of getting together, holding planning sessions about the life and future of the network and taking decisions. The Assembly is organized in Zoom, a tool we use for meeting our membership across the globe. Every three years there is an extraordinary Assembly where a new board of directors is elected. All the Board's work is on a voluntary basis, except the position of secretary.
The Board and the secretary work according to the plan agreed in the Assembly. They ensure the presence and visibility of smallsize work in major Children’s Theatre events around the world, for example the Annual Assitej International Gathering and the Assitej world congress.
They also support the promotion of members’ activities. They look for ways to better finance smallsize network activities and work to bring smallsize network and early years arts to the attention of politicians. The Board members are happy to assist you in your smallsize activities.
Face to face meeting is very important too and we ask members to organize smallsize meetings and workshops within their own events, such as festivals. The network can even support these kind of exchanges.